Anima Pet Vitamins, the first complete Greek line of nutritional supplements for our beloved little friends, came to change their lives and give you the opportunity to offer them the best care.

The most common nutritional supplements for pets are those that strengthen the joints, those that protect the skin, coat and nails, those that improve the health of the digestive system, vision and general well-being. In short, with Anima products you can cover all the needs that your faithful friend has from time to time.

Anima supplements are divided into: antioxidants, multivitamins for stimulation and energy, fatty acids – omega 3 for the cardiovascular and brain, probiotics for the digestive system or reflux, glucosamine formulation for the joints, a formulation that helps the coat, skin and nails, a formulation for vision function and finally a formulation for elevated blood glucose levels in dogs and one for anti-oxidation.

All Anima products contain ingredients that can be safely consumed by any pet. Dosages are adjusted according to the weight of the animal. Each 10kg of weight corresponds to one capsule, which can be added to his food. Anima’s choice to prepare nutritional supplements in openable capsules helps our little friends to receive their reinforcement very easily and pleasantly, while absorption is quick and efficient.

Anima Pet Vitamins can be found at Veterinarians.

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