Pharmaceutical extra virgin olive oil of high polyphenols 280 mL

The beneficial roles of natural plant polyphenols in the human body have been known for a long time. Their sources are fresh fruits, vegetables and some processed plant foods. Polyphenols have been reported to reduce morbidity and slow the progression of cardiovascular and neurodegenerative diseases. Natural polyphenols reduce the level of reactive oxygen species protecting biomolecules from oxidative damage.They have also been found to regulate the human immune system.
Oleoeuropein, hydroxytyrosol and their derivatives are polyphenolic compounds abundant in olive oil. They are powerful antioxidants with anti-angiogenic and anti-inflammatory properties.
Increasing the consumption of virgin olive oil and other plant products rich in polyphenolic compounds, especially in populations with low olive oil intake, appears to be reasonable and to provide a variety of health benefits.

We created a functional olive oil with 600mg of polyphenols per lt mixed with antioxidant herbal oils.
At Amhes Pharma, with years of experience, we have improved even more this wonderful polyphenolic olive oil, adding extra phenolics, proanthocyanins and antioxidant extracts and oils of other herbs, resulting in the creation of the unique and functional olive oil in the world, EUBIOTICA, thus expanding the beneficial properties of olive oil in more parts of the human body such as the liver with the addition of oil of Milk Thistle, Cherry, Elderberry, Red Pumpkin, etc.
Enjoy the taste and the health benefits of EUBIOTICA OILS, with eight codes, in your salad or by eating directly!
You will find it in food stores, pharmacies and eshops

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